Data based decision making – Angel Mast – Part 2

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No wind drifting
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We’ve had four sails since we put the Angel mast on instead of the SuperSpar, in wind ranging from zero to 16-18 knots. So far it is performing well, we set the diamonds tight to reduce sideways bend and to keep the mast straight. The objective is to keep the mast as straight as possible and see how it performs.

Overall our basic rig setup is the same as the SuperSpar, our rake is 7200mm, measured from top of the mast to the intersection of the transom and the hull next to the bottom rudder fitting. It is a consistent position given there are variances between the pre-Ginger boats and the Ginger Boats which have changed the deck design. Rig tension was set to 100kg.

In very light conditions the top of the main has a slight tendency to hook, which is expected due to the stiffer mast and rounder luff curve. This is easily solved by using a small amount of Cunningham to open the leech and twisting the top of the sail which has the benefit of flattening the sail, which in super light conditions is beneficial.

In medium conditions the additional leech tension means more power and the sail is responsive to vang tension the ability to power up in light to medium conditions is better as the sail responds better to the vang due to the stiffer mast. Once I can sit comfortably on the wing I can ease Cunningham as the leech still opens easily. As the breeze increases the sail responds nicely to extra vang, powering up quickly.

Once at full power pulling on the Cunningham flattens the sail nicely. When you need to de-power a slight ease of the vang combined with the flexibility of the top mast allows the top of the sail to open up. This helps with helming around waves and not having to use a lot of mainsheet to keep the boat tracking.

Overall this seems like a nice setup, the black sail works really nicely with the Angel mast and at the moment for us, it is a better setup over the SuperSpar mast.

2 Comments on “Data based decision making – Angel Mast – Part 2”

  1. Would easing the diamonds have the same effect to ease the each , rather than the cunningham which might flatten its depth, just a thought?

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