Classic International 14 – Our new project

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Our last three projects have all been relatively modern boats, ranging from our all carbon fibre modern I14 to the polyester/glass Wildcat F18. In the back of our minds there has always been the memory of a plot we had with Nick Harvey when the National Maritime Museum was auctioning off its collection of classic/historic dinghies. Nick was keen to … Read More

Data based decision making – Trying different RS600 Masts

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Pulled Hounds

To date there have been two official mast makers in the 600 class, the original Angel Masts, apparently 60 – 80 of these were built and SuperSpar masts. While at the Euro Cup in Riva this year we got talking to different people about the challenges of mast supplies. SuperSpar have orders but aren’t delivering, not to mention the cost … Read More

RS600 – Mini Refit Pt2

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Shiny Hull

When we did the mini refit in the summer we also gave the hull a bit of a spruce up. Didn’t take any photos then but thought we would follow up now. It was looking rough with chips out of the hull and big dents. We only had a short amount of time to tidy up the hull, so it … Read More

RS600 – A mini refit

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With the Wildcat on the water we decided to give the 600 a quick work over. The underside of the hull had some damage which we needed to fill and fair, and we wanted to get rid of the old blue Pro-Grip on the wings and the deck. Below is the result of the work, before to the left and … Read More

Wildcat F18 – Old sails compared to new sail

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Foot Comparison

We realised early on that if our intent was to race this boat, we needed to replace the sails. While the sails were in ok condition, they are old and on the point of starting to delaminate. The kite in particular was probably letting more air through it than it was holding. The spinnaker sock was literally falling apart in … Read More

Wildcat F18 – Our Refurbished Foils

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In order to minimise drag on a race boat the need for the hull and foils to be ‘fair’ is most important. Fair in this case means that the hull/foil is smooth and water can move across/around it with the minimum of changing of direction. Obviously a hull has shaping so the water can’t travel in a straight line, which … Read More

Wildcat F18 – In the Dog House

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The Dog House

We are a bit strange here at Bearly Awake, we do things like keep cars in the garage. Which of course means there is no room for boats. Solution? We need more space to work on the boats during the winter. So welcome to the ‘Dog House’, our new temporary boat shed. Of course our Border Collie, Roy, had to … Read More

New Project – Wildcat F18 – Man maths strikes again

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During the IMA National Championships at Swords, Ireland, in September, we were down working on the 600, near to the club house, building a set of Spectra/Dynema shrouds to replace the damaged metal ones. Before anyone says anything, yes we know they aren’t class legal but… Predictably this generated a lot of interest, given spectra is banned in rigging for … Read More

RS600- Iterate and optimise the controls

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Rope take ups

We’ve had a good number of outings on the boat now, and it’s given us the opportunity to fine tune the initial systems. Nothing to major, but more about making the boat as easy to sail as possible. But first lessons learnt to date, firstly the boat is so much easier to sail than the International 14. The boat is … Read More