This a republish of a series of Faceplant posts, so may not run together well.

February 28 · As the weather improves, so does the motivation to go sailing! Sadly with Ireland so far behind the UK with vaccines, it doesn’t look like we are going sailing for a while yet, so the next Lock Down project is sort out the pole, which is looking tatty!
First stage is to sand off the old Clear Coat, sadly in order to do this properly it all has to come off, if we don’t the old coating could split under the new coating. It’s time consuming, but we are sanding off with 120 Grit sand paper, similar to fairing the hull, there is a need to sand using a X pattern to keep from flat spotting anything.

Four hours of sanding and another hour of tidying up and the pole is now ready for coating with Two Part Polyurethane Epifanes. With the temperature so low we are going have wait until a long enough weather window to be able to make enough space in the garage to do the varnishing.
Anyone doing this needs to make sure you’ve got a good face mask, gloves and dust suit. It generates a huge amount of really fine dust, and you definitely don’t want that in your lungs!

Varnishing the pole, before and after the first coat complete. Annoyingly got a couple of runs so will have to do a small bit of sanding before we can do the second coat.

Second coat completed. Just debating whether to just put the next coat on, or do a light sand to try get the imperfections from the moulding process out. Lockdown doesn’t look like ending a time soon!